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C- Street City Market 2022 season-opening

“When you purchase at locally owned businesses… more money is kept in the community because locally-owned businesses often purchase from other local businesses, service providers and farms,” says Tad Hargrave of The Local Good Blog. “Purchasing local helps grow other businesses as well as the local tax base.”


The season-opening of Springfield, Missouri’s C-Street City Market occurred on Saturday, April 2 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The local market was established in the year 2000 by the Commercial Club association and its original location used to be behind Lindbergs at Campbell Ave. and Commercial St. and even included livestock.






“They decided to restart the market because Commercial street was branded unsafe, with theft and drugs,” says C-Street City Market manager Marrella Vinyard. “They felt like the market could revitalize the street and its community to make it feel like it was a safe place to come and improve the local businesses. Evidently, it helped to achieve that goal.”


The season starts on the first Saturday in April and ends on the last Saturday in October. The market is located on Commercial St. with hours from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m on Saturdays and 4 to 8 p.m on Thursday evenings.

Fresh local flowers shop at the entrance of the C-Street City Market on opening day. (Photo by Gianna Kelley)

Hickory Lane Plants, a local plant shop at the entrance of the C-Street City Market on opening day. (Photo by Gianna Kelley)

The season opening included a vast array of vendors. There were bakers selling bread and pastries, pot pies, pop tarts and cupcakes. They had beef and pork farmers who also sold duck eggs. They had many produce vendors including local honey and there were also vendors who were selling jewelry, custom-made cards, plants, pet treats, pet toys and much more. 


“Commercial Street doesn’t close down the days that we’re open,” says Vinyard. “In fact, we thrive from the folks that each business around us brings in! On April 2, the opening day, I bet a total there were 1,000 customers! We don’t have that every time but it's pretty close. We had 30 vendors today but we get up to 50 in the summer.”


Vinyard says customers love the market because it makes Springfield feel like a small-town community.


“The market has improved the lives of people in the downtown area because of the availability of fresh fruits and vegetables. It allows local artists to show their wares and bring a community closer together.”

Local produce shops on the opening day of C-Street City Market. (Photo by Gianna Kelley)

Published: May 11, 2022

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